Thursday, December 25, 2003


Merry Christmas, everyone!! I remember my mom used to take such good care of me when I would get sick -- she would dote over me and feed me lots of soup and juice and put cool towels on my forehead ... it was so nice and so soothing but eventually I think I actually started to get sick more often just so I could stay home from school and have my mom pay attention to me ... and then I got pneumonia when I was 13. For the first time, I realized how terrible being sick could be -- I was sick for like 2 or 3 months -- the fever dreams were so spectacular, I still remember those, so vivid and real. I remember seeing my entire body represented by a gigantic life-size chess board and all the white blood cells in my body were the white chess pieces fighting for good health and the black chess pieces were the pnuemonia growing and festering in my lungs -- I was coughing and in bed for what seemed like an entire winter. And then I had dreams about going through a tunnel of bombs flying past me, filling up the sky all around as far as the eye could see. After that, I decided being sick was no fun and strengthened my resolve to get sick as infrequently as possible. Nowadays, I just don't have time to be sick. It's just too much of a pain in the ass. So I take my vitamins, get plenty of sleep, etc, etc... I think the worst thing for sick people may be having too good of a nurse, like my mom, to take care of you. It spoils you somehow.


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