Monday, December 29, 2003

Merry Christmas - Back at work...

Hope you had a wonderful christmas
I know I did. My husband and my son gave me a Spa Day at J. Claude's in Montrose.
I had a massage for the first time in my life. I found out I was very flexible (or is that one of the things massoosesses like to tell their clients, like pedicurists who like to tell their clients that they are so pletty, face so lound) and that I actually had tension in my back. I would have never known. I don't know if it's because I haven't paid attention to me that I have grown into a masochist making pain a normal and everday part of my life or if he was trying to convince me that I needed to come back. If it was the latter, he didn't have to do that. All he needed to do was what he did, and that was knead me into a ball of soft putty. aaahhhhhh
My husband does love me after all!
It was really nice to have 5 hours of personal attention by people trying to convince me that I wasn't a boring, struggling, working tired out sleepless mom. But that I was a glamorous gem of unaltered natural beauty and that it was a privilege to be trimming my tresses and softening my cuticles.
man oh man
If you haven't done it, you really should!

Killy also bought me a really nice digital camera that actually fits into my many mini purses!

I love it!
I love it!
I love it!
And so does Killy.

My sister sacrificed herself to buy me my signature scent, patchouli. Maru is extremely allergic to processed fragrances and for her to stand in line at a perfume store for this special treat FOR ME because she loves me was a BIG deal. And I got her a CUTEY little outfit for the holidays!


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