Thursday, January 29, 2004

morning rituals

jump out of bed
hope the baby stays sound asleep and unaware of my absence
jump in the shower
stand under the hot spray for a few minutes
get out
wrap myself in my robe
blow dry my hair
make sure it's bouncy and decent
this is a hassle - i'm just not used to it
get dressed
love baby
sometimes he's awake by now and banging on the bathroom door
yelling - mamaa
as loudly as he could
when i scoop him into my arms
he curls up like a rolly- polly bug
and reprimands me for leaving him behind
most times though
he is still asleep
and i kiss him softly and momentarily hover, listening to the whisper of his sweet breath

my husband is out of the shower and puttering about on his computer
the coffee is ready and waiting in the travel mug for me
just the way i like it
the toast is sitting on the table with a napkin

i make sure i am wearing earrings
grab my purse
kiss my baby goodbye again
and jump in the car

the day unfolds


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