Wednesday, January 28, 2004

New Job - New Wardrobe

I like change, this is why I wasn't really bothered by being laid off. this and the fact that i found a job so quickly made the transition easier - i know that if i were laid off for months though, enough time to let the real situation sink into my brain and my wallet, i prolly would have had a harder time dealing with it - emotionally
since that wasn't the case
I was able to shop freely and without restraint
i think i found my real persona now
in my wardrobe
i forgot how much fun it is to put thought into what i will wear on a daily basis
this and the lazy habits of my husband's wardrobe made it too easy to fall into a bad pattern of one pair of pants and scruffy shoes
i really need to make sure i look good
every day
so i need new clothes
and my old habits of rotating through new looks like going through a revolving door has come back to me in full force
like riding a bicycle
i didn't really forget
i just got lazy

so now i know how to dress again

and i really enjoy it again


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