Monday, November 10, 2003

Tell about your weekend!
My big beautiful husband went to the emergency room Sunday morning, 'bout 3 am or so. He had been complaining of fever and sores in his mouth. Turns out, the baby gave him some baby virus that spawned into some giant contagious yucky monster yuck in my honey's beautiful being.

Of course, I was tired and worried about my job since I worked from home on Friday (work??? - yeah right...). Seems my mother in law thought it was her day off or something. All sorts of errands and all sorts of last minute emergencies that required her to be off and running throughout the day leaving baby crying for mommy's attention all day. Not only was it impossible for me to be the ideal employee with screeching angel hanging on my knees, but I was a complete failure as the loving doting mommy because of the many work related fires burning out of control with my absence and a less than perfect caring and supportive wife to my sick husband with all of this going on. AAARRGGGHHH. I finally practically screamed for relief and help when grandma came home about 2:00 pm with yet another list of errands to run!!!
WAIT a minute!
My husband is deathly ill...I couldn't very well leave my feverish contagious husband with the baby this morning when you went to "drop Barbara off at school" only to not be back until well after 10:00 am. By then, I was already trying to stomp out a fire taking place at work via email. So I couldn't very well leave everything up in the air while I take the half hour ride into the office. Who knows what could have happened during that time. Only to find you rushing out the door for a lunch date with your daughter. See, my husband stayed home because he was sick. I stayed home because you weren't here, but I am supposed to be at work. All I need is ONE HOUR to put out ANOTHER fire.
OH... I'm sorry mijita. I will take the baby for a walk.
which she did. But while I was fixing problem number 2, I had completely neglected my daily responsibilities which will only pile up on me for a Monday catch up session. BUT WAIT! Giant fire number THREE!!!
and the day is almost gone
and the baby and grandma are back
I just need to got pick up Barbara from school. Should I take the baby with me?
Baby screeching for me to pick him up - he still hasn't forgiven me for leaving him for the one night I needed to be in Raleigh
Brow is sweating, a meeting room is double booked, fifteen people flying in all over US to the meeting I am responsible for. HUGE headache.
Please take him with you.
Found other meeting space, great price, notify everyone, make hotel changes, arrange car pools.
Grandma is back with Barbara.
Carol, Mom wants to know if she should bring the baby in now...
Not yet please

Grandma walks in with sleeping baby who promptly wakes up and spies me talking on the phone with my boss.
No, everything is OK.. I found a meeting room right down the street. We got a previously canceled room at a great price. Lunch will be...
Grandma sneaks back out with now screeching baby.
Barbara rushes out in a thick fog of sickeningly sweet Victoria's Secret perfume
Sudden stabbing guilt at the thought of subjecting my baby to such environmental hazards.
It's past 4 and everyone in Raleigh is gone for the day, can't do much else but stress for the rest of the weekend, which I proceeded to do without hesitation.
Go and hug my husband for the 45 seconds I have before baby gets home SCREECHING for me.
Love love kiss kiss, feel better baby...
Baby is home, screeching resumes, hug hug, kiss kiss, chase chase, growl growl, giggle giggle, read read, bathe bathe, sleep sleep...

3 am

That was Friday.

Saturday will follow.....


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