Thursday, January 29, 2004

morning rituals

jump out of bed
hope the baby stays sound asleep and unaware of my absence
jump in the shower
stand under the hot spray for a few minutes
get out
wrap myself in my robe
blow dry my hair
make sure it's bouncy and decent
this is a hassle - i'm just not used to it
get dressed
love baby
sometimes he's awake by now and banging on the bathroom door
yelling - mamaa
as loudly as he could
when i scoop him into my arms
he curls up like a rolly- polly bug
and reprimands me for leaving him behind
most times though
he is still asleep
and i kiss him softly and momentarily hover, listening to the whisper of his sweet breath

my husband is out of the shower and puttering about on his computer
the coffee is ready and waiting in the travel mug for me
just the way i like it
the toast is sitting on the table with a napkin

i make sure i am wearing earrings
grab my purse
kiss my baby goodbye again
and jump in the car

the day unfolds

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

New Job - New Wardrobe

I like change, this is why I wasn't really bothered by being laid off. this and the fact that i found a job so quickly made the transition easier - i know that if i were laid off for months though, enough time to let the real situation sink into my brain and my wallet, i prolly would have had a harder time dealing with it - emotionally
since that wasn't the case
I was able to shop freely and without restraint
i think i found my real persona now
in my wardrobe
i forgot how much fun it is to put thought into what i will wear on a daily basis
this and the lazy habits of my husband's wardrobe made it too easy to fall into a bad pattern of one pair of pants and scruffy shoes
i really need to make sure i look good
every day
so i need new clothes
and my old habits of rotating through new looks like going through a revolving door has come back to me in full force
like riding a bicycle
i didn't really forget
i just got lazy

so now i know how to dress again

and i really enjoy it again

Thursday, January 22, 2004

at work and loving it

i love my new job
so there
i am happy and excited to be learning something new
and the office is full of virgo's and other signs with virgo in them
and everyone is nice and polite
and everyone is very quiet
i love it
i love it
i love it

Friday, January 16, 2004


She broke her own record - as you all probably already know, I have a new job! And landed the new position in THREE DAYS!
Welcome the newest addition to the tax team at Hines.
I will take on the many responsibilities and challenges that the Administrative Assistant in Tax department will face on a day to day basis. In addition, I will be connected to the Houston Galleria via a breezeway! YAY
Looking forward to many exciting lunchtime shopping sprees!
I start Monday!

Thanks everyone for your well wishes and support!

Thursday, January 15, 2004

short story long

my boss was fired
he found a job w'in same company, different division
couldn't take his admin with him
i proposed possibility of working from home to higher ups via voicemail
received voicemail back that we will talk next week
next week came and i got a call
"...sorry to say that upper management...unnecessary will get one month's severance..."
they set me up with two weeks consulting services at Right Management Consultants to help polish up my prospect image. Neat services!
so i'm on the streets looking for a future
i had a great interview yesterday at Hines Real Estate tax department. Would be SUPER COOL as I would be working on the 48th floor (great view)

they totally loved me, of course
hope they call me in for a second interview

wish me luck!

Monday, January 12, 2004

i'm fired

Just wrote a beautiful blog about how destroyed I am about losing my job this morning, but this FREE SERVICE at Kaveh Kanes just crashed!!!!


long story short

I'm fired

as of today

more later

when I am at a more reliable connection

Monday, January 05, 2004


The Chavez family had a wonderful New Year! We celebrated with our good friends and kept it mellow. Adolph and Amber are such wonderful hosts having all sorts of good stuffs for the Chavezes and Lil d and Todd to enjoy! The Chavez boys were relieved and excited to be at the Trudeau residence on this happy occasion where the Fourth got to run around and be wild and crazy like every little boy should be and where the Third got to run around and be wild and crazy like my beautiful husband should be!
New Year’s Eve started out pretty tiring, for me anyway. I didn’t want to go to work, it just didn’t make sense to have to go in to work when all I wanted to do was enjoy the great sales that were taking place all over the land. I did take advantage of the 75% reduction of all things clothing at TJMaxx where I got a great deal on a great skirt! Then headed home to herd together the baby and all his trinkets and what not!
Talk about an excuse for buying great bags and purses, so much to lug about with a toddler in tow!
So Killito and I made it to Adolph’s without fanfare. My lover/husband was waiting for his little family inside where we immediately unloaded all my bags. We took Killito out for a short excursion, then Adolph and Amber showed up, dressed and tressed and looking mighty spiffy.
We puttered about the kitchen and took turns shooing Killito into safer quarters until dinner was ready.
Then I nursed the baby and he happily fell asleep which made it time to glamour up for a quick girly outing. Amber Lil d and I jumped out into the NYEve night and hunted and prowled for a good place to enjoy some of the last of 2003 in a glass. We found a relatively nice place, not too crazy with nutty party-goers and not too empty. It was also clean and classy. Not bad! I had a really dirrrty vodka martini chock full of 10 olives (mmmm) Amber had a Greyhound, and Lil d a beer to chug happily on. We chatted and giggled and then it was time to meet the boys.
We got home with 10 minutes to spare. Just enough time to reassure my wide-awake child that the world was still in one piece and to pop open a bottle of champagne. Cheers! Laughs! Kisses! And Hugs all around!
Happy New Year!

Then, Lil d and Todd made a graceful departure, Amber and Adolph retired to the bedroom, the Chavez family hunkered down in the living room and we all snoozed the morning away.

Happy new year…..

Friday, January 02, 2004