Tuesday, November 11, 2003

That virus Killy has sounds so awful!! Anthony is having second thoughts about being a dad now ... I'm sure he'll get over that within a day or so and start pestering me again about when we're gonna have ourselves a Junior ... wait, isn't it usually the woman who's clock starts tick-tock-ticking first?

I finally made it to yoga and made up for my slouching by doing Bikram yoga, which is a style that involves very fast transitions in a room heated to 95-100 degrees -- so you sweat like mad and lose every bit of retained water by the end of it -- just what I needed.

Wish me luck this weekend -- I'm teaching an orchid class at the New York Botanical Gardens and have 40 students signed up already -- the biggest class I've taught up 'till now only had 20 students!! yikes!! I'm gettin' a little noivous ovah hea' (that's my imitation of a new york accent) ...Ciao!


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