Friday, May 21, 2004


I've read Tom Robbins, all the while thinking of Tim Robbins, because he is so tall, with such a baby face, and so intense in the roles he's had, especially Jacob's Ladder ('member that?) crazy psycho freaky movie with the shaking face-less heads and the devil tails...
I read Still Life with Woodpecker or something like that
I started to read Skinny legs and all and quickly found myself near an overdose about halfway through it. I turned instead to re-reading my favorite book of all time, Vladimir Nabokov's Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle
After reading this morsel when I was but a young nymphet of 15, I played with the possibility of naming my first boy, Van Veen. This thought eventually evolved into the ultra-cool name, Seven. Then I married the love of my life and had the most perfect little baby known to me of all time. His name is the sound of love, and it is not Van Veen or Seven or even Gunther.
I like Nabokov, although many people don't because he's "too wordy".


So this woman was shopping at the Banana after having had a baby!
I need to get on the treadmill again!


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