Monday, February 09, 2004

ethical answer

of course
the right thing to do is to tell them that you are pregnant
you can't avoid that

you can also play the blank card
that is
i didn't know i was prego???
what a surprise!

then, if the company thinks you were lying
they could let you go
using any excuse they want
(and in Texas, using no excuse at all)

but if you tell them up front
they'll know what they are dealing with
and they will make a decision with all the facts present
and you will know whether or not this company
is understanding about that natural state of things
or if they have unrealistic expectations
of a young, modern and happening mom-chick


both of you will be happy in the long run

believe it or not
there are companies that will hire you
in the divine state

and those that do not
you can ask yourself
do i really want to work for them???

maybe you can look into another direction

if i wasn't so scared of chill'un
treating them like bugs and such
then i would have done the same thing meagan is doing

she was hired
in her divine state
at a montessori school

now isn't that a dream!!!???


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